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Upload third-party image to image repositoryΒΆ

This how-to guide will show you how to upload a Docker image to your team's image repository.


  • Nais CLI installed.
  • A Docker runtime installed and running on your machine

Log into NaisΒΆ

nais login

Ensure you have the image locallyΒΆ

Ensure the desired image is available on your machine by pulling it from its source or building it locally. For example:

docker pull repository/my-image:tag --platform linux/amd64

Specify the platform

Note that we are adding the --platform linux/amd64 flag to ensure that the image we are pulling is compatible with the Nais platform. By default the architecture of the image will be the same as the host machine, which might not work.

Locate the image repository URLΒΆ

Find the image repository URL on the settings page in the Nais console<MY-TEAM>/settings

The URL will be on this format:<ID>/<MY-TEAM>

Tag the imageΒΆ

docker tag repository/my-image:tag<ID>/<MY-TEAM>/my-image:tag

Push the imageΒΆ

docker push<ID>/<MY-TEAM>/my-image:tag