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Auth conceptsΒΆ

Login proxyΒΆ

NAIS offers an opt-in login proxy (also known as Wonderwall) that simplifies the process of authenticating end-users in your application.

When enabled, the proxy exposes endpoints under your application's ingress.

The proxy sits in front of your application and intercepts all incoming requests. It does not validate any requests, nor does it validate any tokens attached to the request.

🎯 Learn how to authenticate users with the login proxy

How it worksΒΆ

Unauthenticated requests are proxied as-is without modifications:

graph LR
  style Proxy stroke:#0f0,stroke-dasharray: 5
  style Application stroke:#f00
  U((User)) -- "request" --> Proxy["Login proxy"]
  Proxy -. "`proxy request
  as-is`" .-> Application

To log in an end-user, redirect them to the login endpoint. This performs the OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow with the identity provider. After successful login, the proxy creates and stores a session for the end-user. The session identifier is then stored in the user's browser as a cookie.

graph LR
    style Proxy stroke:#0f0,stroke-dasharray: 5
    IDP[Identity Provider]
    style IDP stroke:#f00

    U((User)) -- "/oauth2/login" --> Proxy["Login proxy"]

    subgraph OIDC["OIDC Auth Code Flow"]
        IDP -- "redirect callback" ---> Proxy
        Proxy -- "redirect to log in" ---> IDP

When the user makes a request to your application's ingress, the proxy intercepts the request and checks for the session cookie. This is translated to the user's access token. The token is then attached in the Authorization header as a Bearer token. Finally, the request is forwarded to your application.

graph LR
  style Proxy stroke:#0f0,stroke-dasharray: 5
  style Application stroke:#f00

  subgraph Session["Authenticated Session"]
    direction LR
    U((User)) -- "request" --> Proxy["Login proxy"]
    Proxy -. "`proxy request
    with token`" .-> Application

All of this happens on the server side, which means that neither the token nor the header are visible from the user's browser.

The proxy does not validate the access token. Validation is your application's responsibility.


When an end-user logs in and authenticates themselves, they receive a session. Sessions are stored server-side and are managed by the login proxy.

A session has two possible states:

State Authenticated Description
Active βœ… Yes
Expired ❌ No session has reached its maximum lifetime

Users with an expired session must perform a new login to receive a new, valid session.

See the session management reference for details.

Enforce loginΒΆ

The enforce mode configures the login proxy to enforce authenticated user sessions. If enabled, the proxy will short-circuit all unauthenticated requests before they reach your application.

Specific paths can optionally be excluded from enforcement. Requests to these paths will pass through the proxy to your application, regardless of session states.

See the enforce mode reference for details.